The direction of the country hanged on the outcome of the presidential election. The pandemic was at its peak. The events of George Floyd and Black Lives Matter were unfolding in real-time. During all this, Murmuration’s annual event was to be held virtually for the first time.
The Challenge
How do you get people interested in an event based on education and education policy when: 1. the fate of the nation was being decided, 2. hospitals were overrun, and 3. a social movement was happening. Education was the last thing on people’s minds.
The Response
It all started with wanting to help more people get out the vote (GOTV). A simple poster was designed that organized registration, mail-in, early, and in-person voting information in one place.
Marketing swag was developed to help with sign-ups, as we needed sizes for the hoodies/crewnecks, and this turned into a surprise hit. Partners around the nation were asking us to send and even sell them our vote swag to help with local GOTV campaigns, and led to developing a GOTV playbook.
The design system organically transitioned into developing the annual report, support graphics for the new online content hub, and eventually the brand guidelines.
The Result
This is my favorite example of how a small idea can organically grow into something more when all are onboard with the direction. Awareness, and participation increased over 20% over the previous year, and Murmuration’s partnership network grew around 15%.
My name is Derek Edward, and I build brand systems. I approach complex and messy problems with a clear process, when it comes to visual design and brand strategy.